Graduation Requirements

  1. Satisfactory completion of the minimum number of credits and courses required by the specific program. The student is responsible for registering for the proper courses and for fulfilling all degree requirements as outlined herein.
  2. The earning of a minimum 2.00 cumulative quality point average.
  3. Payment of all financial obligations.
  4. Submission of a Graduation Application in the semester prior to the graduation semester, once registration for the graduating semester is completed. Should a student fail to submit a Graduation Application, yet still complete the above requirements, they will be certified as a graduate, but will not be mailed their diploma.

The College holds formal graduation ceremonies once a year at the end of the spring semester. Students completing requirements at times other than the spring semester will be awarded their diploma or certificate at the end of their graduating semester once completion of degree requirements have been certified and the diploma or certificate has been received from the vendor.

Prior to commencement, a statement indicating completion of degree or certificate requirements will be issued upon request.