Academic Support Center

The Academic Support Center offers a wide range of services, aimed to provide all Herkimer College students with opportunities for academic success, regardless of previous academic preparation. The mission of the Center is to encourage academic potential and to provide opportunities to maximize that potential. Services are offered in person and virtually. All students are welcome and all services are FREE of charge. The Academic Support Center’s range of services and programs include:

  • Tutoring for over 100 different courses (in person or online, individually or in small groups, by appointment or at drop-in times)
  • Accessibility Services
  • Academic coaching and peer mentoring

Good study skills are critical to college success. Entering freshmen are frequently not prepared for the heavy workload they encounter in college. Professionals in the Academic Support Center are available to assist students in evaluating study skill strengths and weaknesses and offer personalized help individually, in small groups or via an online conference. Workshops may also be offered throughout the year to help students improve skills in time/task management, note-taking, test-taking, memorization and concept mapping strategies. In addition, free online study resources may be found on the Herkimer College Academic Support Center website.