Campus Safety

The goals of Campus Safety are to provide protection for all students, faculty, staff and visitors to Herkimer College, to safeguard all real and personal property, and to enforce College policies and regulations.

The Campus Safety Department includes a director, assistant director, nine full-time and several part-time safety officers. Campus Safety provides continuous patrols of the campus including Campus Meadows, College Hill and Reservoir Run housing complexes by uniformed Safety Officers 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

Campus Safety Officers are trained in specific areas that concern the College environment. CPR, first aid, emergency response procedures, cultural diversity and sexual assault response are some of the topics included in the training.

Members of Campus Safety do have Peace Officer status, as defined in the New York State Criminal Procedure Law, and therefore do have the power to make arrests on campus.

Campus Safety has a cooperative working relationship with the Herkimer Police Department and other law enforcement agencies to help maintain a safe campus atmosphere.

If an accident occurs that we believe may have an effect on the safety and well-being of the members of our community, information concerning this matter will be distributed by way of paper flyer, on-campus electronic bulletin, College Intranet site, and College e-mail. Information concerning registered sex offenders is available in the Director of Campus Safety’s office.

A copy of the Herkimer College campus crime statistics as reported annually to the U.S. Department of Education will be provided upon request by the Campus Safety Committee. Please direct all such requests to the Office of the Dean of Students at (315) 866-0300, ext. 8276. Information can also be obtained from the U.S. Department of Education website at

The Annual Security and Fire Report is available here. To obtain a physical copy, please contact the Director of Campus Safety (CA 264) during regular business hours.

Employees and students are encouraged to read and be familiar with the Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Policy.