English as a Second Language

English as a Second Language (ESL) at Herkimer College serves both international students and U.S. residents for whom English is not a first language. The program includes courses in reading, grammar, writing, and speaking and listening in English, as well as courses in American Pronunciation and United States culture and student life. This intensive program is designed to prepare students for enrollment in programs leading to graduation from the College. Herkimer College does not require TOEFL for admission. All new international students must take the college placement tests, as well as the appropriate language development courses. Students may be advised to take a combination of ESL courses and college courses leading toward their degree or certificate goals. Special ESL tutors supplement the class work of students in language classes and provide language-focused assistance for students enrolling in degree and certificate programs.

Regularly scheduled individualized assessment makes it possible for students to be promoted into advanced ESL work and college academic programs in a flexible timeframe.