Study Opportunities
Associate in Applied Science Degree (A.A.S.)
The objective of programs under this degree is to provide both career and general education that allows students to enter the workforce immediately upon graduation.
Associate in Science Degree (A.S.)
The A.S. degree programs are designed to enable the graduate to transfer to a four-year institution for more specialized training in a career field before entry into the workforce.
Associate in Arts Degree (A.A.)
Programs resulting in the awarding of an A.A. degree are designed to provide the first two years of a four-year sequence leading to the baccalaureate degree. Concentrations emphasize the humanities and social sciences.
Dual Degrees
A second associate degree may be awarded when a significant amount of additional course work (30 credit hours) in a different field is completed.
Certificate Programs
These programs generally require one year of full-time study and prepare students for immediate entry into occupations requiring post high school training of less than associate degree level proficiency. The emphasis is on applied knowledge and skills training. A minimum of a 2.00 (based on 4.00) cumulative index is required for successful completion. Students may transfer to related associate degree programs during or after completion of the certificate.
Collaborative Certificate Programs
These programs work in conjunction with other educational institutions to provide concurrent educational instruction. Students must apply to both Herkimer College and the collaborating program, meeting both program requirements.
4 + 1 Programs
To provide baccalaureate degree holders the opportunity of specialized career preparation, Herkimer College has established 4 + 1 programs in several associate degree areas. Students complete 30-36 credit hours at Herkimer College and receive transfer credit for the remaining credits required. Some study opportunities include: Accounting, Business Administration, Human Services, Marketing, and Legal Studies.
All Herkimer College Associate in Arts (A.A.) and Associate in Science (A.S.) programs comply with the State University General Education Requirement.