Childhood Education Areas of Concentration
Note: Students will choose from one of four concentration areas: English, History/Social Studies, Mathematics, or Chemistry. Students should refer to individual curriculum guides by concentration for more information.
English - First Three Courses are Required
EN 123 | Major English Writers | 3 |
| | |
EN 133 | American Literature 1620-1865 | 3 |
| OR | |
EN 134 | American Lit - 1865 - present | 3 |
| | |
EN 210 | College Writing II | 3 |
Choose any 1 of the 6 below:
History/Social Studies
From this list, select 3 courses for your concentration.
From this list, you need to pick 3 courses for your concentration.
From this list, you will need to pick 3 classes out of the 4 for your concentration.