Withdrawal from the College for Medical Reasons

A medical withdrawal is a withdrawal that may be granted due to a substantiated medical concern for an individual registered student or family member.

Students seeking a medical withdrawal for either a medical or psychological concern must provide written medical documentation from the treating licensed healthcare professional as soon as the concern is identified.  Documentation should be submitted to the Registrar, must be legible, on original letterhead and must include:

  • Medical/Psychological diagnosis
  • Date(s) of treatment including onset
  • Treatment Plan (current and ongoing) including medication, referrals, etc.
  • Opinion as the student's ability to successfully return to college related activities: academic work, residential life (if applicable), etc.
  • Date and signature of the licensed healthcare professional

The medical documentation will be reviewed and a recommendation to either support of deny the medical withdrawal will be provided to the Registrar and student.

All medical documentation is confidential and will only be shared with the student's written permission.  The medical documentation will be retained in the student's file by the Dean of Students.

Herkimer College makes every effort to accommodate requests for a medical withdrawal, however, submission of medical documentation does not guarantee approval.

The Academic Standards and Regulations guidelines will not be applied to any student who has formally withdrawn for a certified medical reason.  However, students who are approved for a medical withdrawal are still liable for incurred charges and may be subject to reductions in financial aid based upon their last date of attendance.

Students Residing in On-Campus Housing

Students living on campus who withdraw must vacate the residence halls and remove all personal belongings from the premises no later than midnight, of the date on which the withdrawal becomes effective.  For regulations governing room refunds and deposits,  please refer to the Herkimer Residence Life housing contract.