College Dismissal, Suspension or Felony Conviction

Applicants who have been either dismissed or suspended from other colleges for disciplinary reasons or convicted of a felony will have their Admissions Application and “Request for On-Campus Study” reviewed by a committee designated to make the admission decision. Applicants who are awaiting conclusion of a felony hearing will have their applications placed in pending until such decision is rendered. The applicant will be notified by the Director of Admissions that he/she has completed the special screening required by the College and is being accepted or denied admission to the College.

Applicants who have felony convictions or have been dismissed/suspended from another college for disciplinary reasons, and who meet admissions qualifications, may also be accepted with the condition that they complete a conditional waiting period without any further arrests/convictions. Also, any new arrests/convictions prior to registration may be grounds for the applicant’s immediate rejection from the College.