Appealing and Changing Grades

Students have the option of appealing a grade at the end of the semester if they feel there is an error.

  1. Appeals of grades received for a spring or summer semester must begin by October 15 of the following fall semester. Appeals of grades received for a fall or winter semester must begin by March 1 of the following spring semester.
  2. Students must first consult with the instructor who gave the grade. (If the instructor is unavailable, students appeal directly to the appropriate Associate Dean.)
  3. If the appeal with the instructor is unsatisfactory to the student, she/he may appeal to the appropriate Associate Dean.
  4. If the appeal with the Associate Dean is unsatisfactory to the student, she/he may appeal to the Dean of Academic Affairs.
  5. Appeals noted in (3) and (4) above must be initiated before the end of the semester in which the process commenced.