Academic Honesty Policy
Academic dishonesty shall include securing of information relative to the content of an examination prior to the scheduled time of the examination, giving or receiving assistance during an examination, and presenting as one’s own in reports, term papers or other projects any expression, quotations, or creative work of others without giving due credit to the author.
Plagiarism and cheating are violations of the Student Code of Conduct. The maintenance of academic honesty is the responsibility of both faculty and students. Any written assignment submitted by a student must be of original authorship. Representation of another's work as his/her own shall constitute plagiarism. Any charge of plagiarism shall be substantiated either by a direct correlation between the original and the alleged plagiarized copy or a preponderance of evidence. Cheating shall be considered a violation and subject to the same penalties. Students should refer to the course syllabus for additional details.
See the Student Handbook for additional information.