Student Services

Student Services at Herkimer College are an aggregate of specialized services offered by Student Personnel and Counseling professionals. Personnel are experienced and trained to assist the student in adjusting to college life, dealing with everyday academic demands, solving problems, and planning for the future, whether it be in the work place or in transfer to another college/university to continue studies.

The specialized services include:

  1. admissions counseling for prospective students
  2. financial aid counseling/advisement
  3. on-campus and off-campus housing
  4. placement testing and course advisement
  5. counseling — personal/drug/alcohol/other
  6. career counseling/full and part-time search assistance
  7. transfer counseling and assistance
  8. student activities
  9. subject-specific and study strategies tutorial sessions
  10. special needs assistance for students with disabilities
  11. judicial affairs/student code of conduct
  12. health services
  13. athletics and recreation
  14. campus safety